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Date:  Thu, 12 Jun 2003 14:16:28 +0900
From:  Akiyo Yatagai <>
Subject:  [game-jp:0542] post-doc position
Message-Id:  <>
X-Mail-Count: 00542


UCLAの Xue氏から ポスドクを1人さがしているとのメールを

Post-Doc in atmosphere-land interactions

The Department of Geography, University of California, Los Angeles seeks 
applicants for a post doc. position. A Ph.D. in atmospheric sciences, 
hydrology, or a related discipline and experience with UNIX and FORTRAN are 
required. Research experience in utilizing a GCM or/and a regional 
atmospheric model is preferred.  Background knowledge on land surface 
processes and climate-land interaction is desirable.  The successful 
candidate will conduct numerical experiments for the purpose of 
understanding land surface processes and their effects on atmospheric 
circulation.  Please send an application with a statement of research 
interests, curriculum vitae, and two letters of reference to Dr. Yongkang 
Xue, 1255 Bunche Hall, Department of Geography, University of California, 
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1524.  For further information, please e-mail to The University of California is an equal opportunity 
action employer.