Abstracts for the 5th International GAME Conf.

3-5 October 2001

Aichi Trade Center

Nagoya Japan

Hydro-Meteorological Research for Conflict Management of Mae Tia Basin in Northern Thailand

Mr.Kowit Punyatrong (1), Mr.Issara Sirisaiyard (2)

Conflicts over water resources between the inhabitants of upper and lower parts of a watershed becone more serious year by year in Thailand. One of the reasons that the watershed management system of the Thai government has not worked effectively to solve such conflicts is the paucity of hydro-meteorological data for evaluating water supply, consumption and shortage, due to the inadequacy of the hydro-meteorological observation network. While the people living in the watershed area has dramatically increased, the problem of water resources distribution between the inhabitants of upper and lower parts of the basin has also been seriously complicated. Mae Tia watershed, Chom Thong District of Chiangmai Province in the north of Thailand is one of the most serious and well-known conflicts between Hmong people of Pa Kluai village enjoy the upper part of the basin for their slash and burn agriculture way of life while the native Thai people in the lower part have become frustrated by the Hmong's practices. According to lack of scientific observations and data analyses, causing the government and the people can not make rational decisions to solve those kind of problems. As part of the GEWEX and the GAME, the GAME-T, has run the rainfall measurements in the Mae Chaem watershed adjacent to the Mae Tia basin since June 1998, shows the significant results which initiate the idea of establishing the hydro-meteorological observation network providing scientific data useful for government to resolve conflict over water in this area, as the "Future scientific issues and collaborations for post-GAME projects."

Submittal Information

Name : Date :
    Mr. Kowit Punyatrong
Organization : Theme :
    Watershed Management Divistion, Royal Forest Department
    Theme 6
Address : Presentation :
    61 Phaholyothin Rd., jatujak, Lardyao, Bangkok 10900
    Poster or oral
Country : Abstract ID :
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