Topics related to GAME WEBS presented at IUGG 2003 Sapporo JWM01 Surface energy fluxes in Tibet by AAN and GAME Reanalysis A. Yatagai (RIHN Kyoto) Energy and water balance at surface in Tibet from operational obs. J. Xu (FRSGC Yokohama) and S. Haginoya (MRI Tsukuba) Water vapor fluxes in South China Sea by SSM/I + verification with sonde S.-C. Park and B.-J. Sohn (Seoul Nat'l U.) Atmospheric energy and water budgets in Thailand by sonde E. Azuma and Y. Tachibana (Tokai U.) Evaporation in Lena river basin (Siberia) by exp. obs. and global data K. Masuda (FRSGC) and T. Ohata (Hokkaido U.) Energy inbalance in surface obs. (AAN: Mongolia, Tibet, Thailand) S. Miyazaki (U. Tokyo) Surface energy balance in Tibet and Northwestern China Yaoming Ma (CAREERI Lanzhou) Process study of moisture fluxes in tundra (Siberia) Norifumi Sato, Yuji Kodama et al. (Hokkaido U.) SKYNET observations I. Okada and T. Takamura (Chiba U.)