
     タイトル, 学会等, 開催場所, 予稿集のタイトル, ページ, 発表月, 研究室名


・K. Nakamura
Global Precipitation Mission (GPM) and Dual-Wavelength Radar (DPR). Volume8 2006 EGU(European Geosciences Union) General Assembly 2006, Vienna, Austria, 4月, 中村研
・K. Nakamura
Diurnal variation of tropical rain revealed by TRMM. American Meteorological Society (AMS) 27th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, Montery USA, (Invited talk), 4月, 中村研
・Yasunari, T
Modulation of Diuranal Rainfall over Borneo and Sorroundings Oceans by Seasonal and Intraseasonal Variation of Asian Monsoon. Symposium on Asian Winter Monsoon, マレーシア, 4月, 安成研


2004年6 月27 日に東シナ海上で観測された三本の前線の構造とその前線に伴う雲域の移動日本気象学会2006年度春季大会、つくば、講演予稿集、P161、5月、上田・坪木研
・C.-Z. Zhang, H. Uyeda, S. Shimizu,H. Yamada, B. Geng
Possible mechanism for prevalence of midlevel convections to south of the Meiyu front. 日本気象学会2006年度春季大会、つくば、講演予稿集、P162、5月、上田・坪木研
・Tsuboki, K.
The formation Process of heavy rainfall caused by the Typhoon T0423 in the mid-latitude. Third Asia Oceania Geosciences Society Annual Meeting, Singapore, 7月, 上田・坪木研

・Joaquim I.Goes, Helga do Rosario Gomes, Toshiro Saino, S.W.A. Naqvi, James Bisagni and Avijit Gangopadhyay
Climate Controls on Carbon Export in Ocean Basins of the Northern Hemisphere as Viewed from Space. U.S. Ocean Carbon Biogeochemistry WS, Woods Hole, USA, 7月, 才野研
・Yamamoto M. K., D. Sasaki and K. Nakamura
Relationship between Amplitude of Diurnal Variation and Rarameters of Rain/Cloud Systems Using TRMM Data. Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 3rd Annual Meeting, Singapore, 59-AS-A1391, 7月, 中村研
・Bhatt, B. C. and K. Nakamura
Diurnal variability of the cloud and precipitation around the Himalayan region. Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 3rd Annual Meeting, Singapore, 59-AS-A1390, 7月, 中村研

・Sarma, V.V.S.S., O. Abe, and T. Saino
Underway surface water sample collection system for dissolved gases and triple isotopic composition of dissolved oxygen, 16thAnnual V.M. Goldschmidt Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 8月, 才野研


・Maki, R., T. Shinoda, S. Shimizu, K. Tsuboki, H. Minda, K. Nakamura,and H. Uyeda
Statistical features of precipitation cells observed around the Meiyu/Baiu front. The Fourth China-Japan Joint Workshop on Lower Atmosphere and Precipitation Study (LAPS), Beijing, China, Proc. of the fourth Japan-China Joint Workshop on Lower Atmosphere and Precipitation Study (LAPS), 25--28, September 19-22, 2006. 上田・坪木研
・Maeda, S., K. Tsuboki, H. Uyeda, T. Shinoda, Q. Moteki, and H. Minda
Detailed structure of wind and moisture fields around the Baiu frontal zone over the East China Sea. The Fourth China-Japan Joint Workshop on Lower Atmosphere and Precipitation Study (LAPS), Beijing, China, Proc. of the fourth Japan-China Joint Workshop on Lower Atmosphere and Precipitation Study (LAPS), 30-33, September 19-22, 2006. 上田・坪木研
・Endo, S., T. Shinoda, H. Tanaka, K. Tsuboki, T. Hiyama, H. Uyeda, and K. Nakamura
Large eddy simulation of the convective boundary layer over the Huaihe River Basin in China during early summer in 2004. The Fourth China-Japan Joint Workshop on Lower Atmosphere and Precipitation Study (LAPS), Beijing, China, Proc. of the fourth Japan-China Joint Workshop on Lower Atmosphere and Precipitation Study (LAPS), 40-44, September 19-22, 2006. 上田・坪木研
・Shinoda, T., S. Endo, H. Tanaka, K. Tsuboki, and K. Nakamura
Effects of shallow cumulus clouds on the environment over the Huaihe River Basin in China during early summer season. The Fourth China-Japan Joint Workshop on Lower Atmosphere and Precipitation Study (LAPS), Beijing, China, Proc. of the fourth Japan-China Joint Workshop on Lower Atmosphere and Precipitation Study (LAPS), 48-52, September 19-22, 2006. 上田・坪木研
・Uyeda, H.,
Recent studies on the Meiyu/Baiu frontal precipitation systems and a future research plan. The Workshop on the Meiyu/Baiu frontal precipitation systems around Shanghai and over East China Sea, Shanghai, China, September 25, 2006. 上田・坪木研
・Shinoda, T., S. Endo, H. Tanaka, T. Hiyama, A. Higuchi, K. Tsuboki, and K. Nakamura
Structure of the convective boundary layer over the Huaihe River Basin of China during early summer season in LAPS: An introduction of LAPS activity in China. The Workshop on the Meiyu/Baiu frontal precipitation systems around Shanghai and over East China Sea, Shanghai, China, September 25, 2006. 上田・坪木研
・Maeda, S., K. Tsuboki, H. Uyeda, T. Shinoda, Q. Moteki, and H. Minda
Detailed structure of wind and moisture fields around the Baiu frontal zone over the East China Sea. The Workshop on the Meiyu/Baiu frontal precipitation systems around Shanghai and over East China Sea, Shanghai, China, September 25, 2006. 上田・坪木研
・Tsuboki, K.,
Typhoon simulations using the cloud-resolving model, CReSS. The Workshop on the Meiyu/Baiu frontal precipitation systems around Shanghai and over East China Sea, Shanghai, China, September 25, 2006. 上田・坪木研
・Jagadish S Patil and Toshiro Saino
Effect of biofilm on the performance of fast repetition rate fluorometry, 2006年度日本海洋学会秋季大会、名古屋、9月、才野研
・ Vu Hai Dang, Akihiko Morimoto and Toshiro Saino
Summertime decrease of water temperature at subsurface layer in Sagami Bay. 2006年度日本海洋学会秋季大会、名古屋、9月、才野研・森本研
・Smita Mitbavkar and Toshiro Saino
Cell cycle of synechococcus population in the Sagami Bay, Japan. 2006年度日本海洋学会秋季大会、名古屋、9月、才野研
・VVSS Sarma and Toshiro Saino
Diurnal and seasonal varaibility in Net community production in the Sagami Bay. 2006年度日本海洋学会秋季大会、名古屋、9月、才野研
・Liu,Y.*, Y.Yamaguchi, T.Hiyama*
A new approach to reduce inconsistency between MODIS & ASTER land surface temperature products. SPIE Europe Remote Sensing 2006, Stockholm, Sweden, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 2006, 6359, 635906. DOI: 10.1117/12.687296., 11-14 September 2006 檜山研
・Liu,Y.*, T.Hiyama*, Y.Yamaguchi
Error analysis of scaling evapotranspiration over heterogeneous land surface. SPIE Europe Remote Sensing 2006, Stockholm, Sweden, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 2006, 6359, 635916. DOI: 10.1117/12.687295., 11-14 September 2006 檜山研
・Tanaka,H., T.Hiyama*, H.Fujinami*, T.Shinoda*, A.Higuchi, S.Endo*, S.Ikeda, W.Li, K.Nakamura*
Relationships between atmospheric boundary layer and surface condition: An observation over the middle stream of the Huaihe River basin in China. The Fourth China-Japan Joint Workshop on Lower Atmosphere and Precipitation Study (LAPS), Beijing, China, Proceedings The Fourth China-Japan Joint Workshop on Lower Atmosphere and Precipitation Study (LAPS), 35-39, 19-22 September, 2006 檜山研
・Hiyama,T.*, H.Tanaka, A.Takahashi, M.Nishikawa*, S.Yoshida*, A.Higuchi, H.Fujinami*, T.Shinoda*, Y.Fukushima, K.Nakamura*
Comparative study on diurnal and seasonal changes in ABL over Shouxian and Changwu regions. The Fourth China-Japan Joint Workshop on Lower Atmosphere and Precipitation Study (LAPS), Beijing, China, Proceedings The Fourth China-Japan Joint Workshop on Lower Atmosphere and Precipitation Study (LAPS), 55-58, 19-22 September, 2006 檜山研
・Liu,Y.*, Y.Yamaguchi, H.Tanaka, T.Hiyama*, C.Ke
Satellite-retrieved evapotranspiration over Shouxian area of China: Application of a modified triangle approach using ASTER data. The Fourth China-Japan Joint Workshop on Lower Atmosphere and Precipitation Study (LAPS), Beijing, China, Proceedings The Fourth China-Japan Joint Workshop on Lower Atmosphere and Precipitation Study (LAPS), 76-78, 19-22 September, 2006 檜山研
・Fujinami, H.
Intraseasonal variability of Meiyu front on submonthly timescales over the Yangtze and Huaihe river basins, The Fourth China-Japan Joint Workshop on Lower Atmosphere and Precipitation Study (LAPS), Beijing, China, Proceedings The Fourth China-Japan Joint Workshop on Lower Atmosphere and Precipitation Study (LAPS), 7-11, 安成研
高山で採取した降水・霧水の硝酸寄与比と酸性成分/海塩成分比による対流圏中・上層エーロゾルの化学組成の推定、2006年度日本地球化学会年会、東京、2006年度日本地球化学会年会講演要旨集、1D17、9月 2006 檜山研
・Yasunari, T.
Asian/Australian monsoon studies under WCRP, International Workshop For East Asian Monsoon Experiment, 台湾, 安成研


・Khatri Pradeep, Ishizaka Yutaka
Contributions of continental air pollutants to aerosol optical properties over the East China Sea. 日本気象学会2006年度秋季大会、名古屋、講演予稿集、P215、10月、石坂研
・石坂隆・Mandira Adhikari・高橋友和・Pradeep Khatri・西沢匡人
・Hiroshi Uyeda
Challenge in studies on precipitation systems around the East China Sea for understanding East Asian monsoon. Second Korea-Japan-China Joint Conference on Meteorology, Korea,Second Korea-Japan-China Joint Conference on Meteorology Program and Abstracts, P23, 10月, 上田・坪木研
・Tsuboki, K., and T. Shinoda
Typhoon simulations by using a cloud resolving model CReSS. The International Symposium on Regional Ensemble Prediction, Tropical Cyclone and Heavy Rainfall Forecast, Chengdu, China, October 10-12, 2006. 上田・坪木研
・Toshiro Saino
A Real Time Ocean Primary Productivity Profiling System. International Workshop on Sustained Indian Ocean Biogeochemistry and Ecological Research, インド ゴア, 10月, 才野研
・VVSS Saruma, K.Sasaoka and T. Saino
Estimation of global dissolved inorganic carbon, total alkalinity and pCO2 from the satellite sea surface temperature and climatological salinit. PICES 15th Annual Meeting Boundary current ecosystems, 横浜、10月、才野研
・B.C.Bhatt, 中村健治
Characterization of cludiness over the mountaionus regions in south Asia using satellite data. 日本気象学会2006年度秋季大会、名古屋、講演予稿集、P171、10月、中村研
セミ・ラグランジュ法を用いた雨滴粒径別同位体交換モデルの構築. 日本気象学会2006年度秋季大会, 名古屋, 講演予稿集、P295、10月、檜山研
液体窒素で水滴が氷結するときの水素及び酸素同位体比の変化、日本気象学会・2006年度秋季大会、名古屋、日本気象学会・2006年度秋季大会講演予稿集、351、10月 2006 檜山研
・増永浩彦・Tristan L' Ecuyer, Christaian Kummerow
・Prasanna Venkatraman, 安成哲三
Space-Time Characteristics of Seasonal and Inter annual Variations of Precipitation, Convergence and Evaporation over South Asia. 日本気象学会2006年度秋季大会、名古屋、講演予稿集、P324、10月、安成研


・Nakamura K. ,H. Tanaka , T. Hiyama , T. Shinoda , S. Endo and W. Li
Seasonal change of the atmospheric boundary layer over Huaihe River basin in China. SPIE(The International Society for Optical Engineering) 5th Asia-Pacific Remote Sensing Symposium , Goa India , 6404-23, 11月, 中村研
・Yasunari, T.
Possible trigger effect of Tibetan Plateau on the Ice Age climate, International Symposium on Dynamics of the Ice Age Climate, 愛知県、11月、安成研


・K. Nakamura, T. Iguchi, and R. Oki
Expected contribution of MST radar to GPM ground validation. 11th Int'l Workshop on Technical & Scientific Aspects of MST Radar. Tirupati, India, December, 2006. (Invited talk), 中村研
・K. Nakamura, T. Shinoda, T. Hiyama, H. Tanaka, and W. Li
Boundary layer profiler observation and LES model simulation. 11th Int'l Workshop on Technical & Scientific Aspects of MST Radar. Tirupati, India, December, 2006. (oral), 中村研
・K. K. Reddy, T. Kozu, Y. Ohno, K. Nakamura, H. Uyeda, R. Shirooka, M. Yoshizaki, C.-J. Pan, N. R. Rao, and J. Roettger
Convection and precipitation experiment (CAPE): Virtual network of VHF/UHF wind profiler radars. 11th Int'l Workshop on Technical & Scientific Aspects of MST Radar. Tirupati, India, December, 2006. (poster), 中村研
表層水温、クロロフィルa、塩分の気候値を用いた東シナ海-日本海陸棚域のpCO2 分布推定、九州大大学応用力学研究所共同研究集会「日本海沿岸域における海況モニタリングと波浪計測に関する研究集会」、福岡、12月、森本研
・Abe, M., T, Yasunari, A, Kitoh
Change of vegetation in Asia associated with uplift of the Tibetan Plateau, The 5th International symposium on Terrestrial Environmental Change in East Eurasia and Adjacent, 愛知県、12月、安成研

・Yasunari, T.
Overview of the JSC GEWEX Roadmap Review and its recommendations, 19th session of the GEWEX Scientific Steering Group, ハワイ、1月、安成研
・Morimoto, A
Sea surface current in the Japan Sea evaluated from Altimetry data and ARGOS drifters. JSPS Project 1 Workshop シーチャン、タイ、1月、森本研
・Hiyama, T., A. Takahashi, M. Nishikawa, Y. Liu, H. Tanaka, A. Higuchi, W. Liu, Y. Fukushima
Progress in hydro-meteorological studies in Changwu, the Loess Plateau of China. The Third International Workshop on Yellow River Studies, 京都, Abstracts of the Third International Workshop on Yellow River Studies, 16, 2月, 檜山研
・Nishikawa, M., T. Hiyama, A. Takahashi, W. Li, A. Higuchi, W. Liu, Y. Fukushima
Seasonal and diurnal changes of atmospheric boundary layer heights over Changwu, the Loess Plateau of China. Progress in hydro-meteorological studies in Changwu, the Loess Plateau of China. The Third International Workshop on Yellow River Studies, 京都, Abstracts of the Third International Workshop on Yellow River Studies, 17, 2月, 檜山研
・Takahashi, A., T. Hiyama, M. Nishikawa, A. Higuchi, W. Li, W. Liu, Y. Fukushima
Vertical mixing of water vapor between the atmospheric boundary layer and free atmosphere over Changwu, the Loess Plateau of China. Progress in hydro-meteorological studies in Changwu, the Loess Plateau of China, The Third International Workshop on Yellow River Studies, 京都, Abstracts of the Third International Workshop on Yellow River Studies, 18, 2月, 檜山研
・Li, S., W. Liu, A. Takahashi, A. Higuchi, T. Hiyama, Y. Fukushima
Seasonal changes of spectral characteristics of winter wheat based on hyper-spectral radiometer. Progress in hydro-meteorological studies in Changwu, the Loess Plateau of China. The Third International Workshop on Yellow River Studies. 京都. Abstracts of the Third International Workshop on Yellow River Studies. 21. 2月,檜山研
・Takahashi, Hiroshi and Tetsuzo Yasunari
Diurnal patterns of monsoon rainfall over the Indochina Peninsula - Observations and Model Simulations,
3rd WGNE Workshop on Systematic Errors in Climate and NWP Models, San Fransisco, February 12-16, 2007, 安成研



・Smita, M., T. Saino
Seasonal and diel variations in heterotrophic bacterial community in the Sagami Bay, Japan. 2007年度日本海洋学会春季大会、東京、3月、才野研
・Sarma, VVSS., O. Abe and T. Saino
Plankton metabolic rates in the Sagami Bay using triple oxygen isotopes and 02/Ar ratios. 2007年度日本海洋学会春季大会、東京、3月、才野研
・長尾正之・橋本英資・高杉由夫・児島正一郎・佐藤健治、森本昭彦、鈴木 淳、渋野拓郎